Announcing embedded-text 0.3.0

A new stable version of embedded-text is available for download. embedded-text extends the excellent embedded-graphics library with a TextBox object that supports multiline text rendering with the common horizontal alignment options.

The new major features of this release are:

  • Height modes and Vertical overflow options
  • Support for new special characters:
    • soft hyphen (\u{Ad})

Height modes and Vertical overflow options

The following options are now available through the height_mode style option:

  • Exact(OverflowMode): The TextBox will be rendered the exact size it was specified with.
  • FitToText: The TextBox will take up exactly as much vertical space as necessary. This option keeps the width and ignores the height parameter given to the TextBox’s constructor. You might have noticed that this mode does not have an OverflowMode. This is, because the TextBox always takes up as much space as necessary, so the text can’t overflow.
  • ShrinkToText(OverflowMode): If the text does not fit into the TextBox, this mode behaves the same as Exact. Otherwise, if the text does not take up all available space, the TextBox will shrink to the size of the text, just like FitToText would.

For the modes where you can specify an OverflowMode, you have the following options:

  • Visible: All the text will be displayed, regardless of the bounding box.
  • FullRowsOnly: Text will only be drawn inside the bounding box. Partially drawn lines are not rendered.
  • Hidden: Text will only be drawn inside the bounding box. Partially drawn lines are rendered.

Example configuration

let style = TextBoxStyleBuilder::new(Font6x8)

New special characters

The new supported characters allow you to better control what is drawn to your display and how. You can use the \u{ad} (soft hyphen) character to specify position when words can be wrapped if they don’t fit the current line. When those words are broken, the soft hyphen character will be displayed at the end (or beginning, depending on the space available) of the line.

For a complete list of changes (excluding some under the hood changes), see the changelog

To install, add the following to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

embedded-text = "0.3.0"

For documentation, see

I really hope you give embedded-text a try! If you have any questions, suggestions, issues, feature requests, or if you’d like to contribute, feel free to open an issue or a pull request on the GitHub repository!

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